Work – Life Balance

Alert:  Please Don’t take  me too seriously.. just asking .. What is work-life balance ? Are work and life mutually exclusive ? Do people stop living while working or is it that suddenly they get a life when they stop working ? If that be so , why work at all ? Is work only … Continue reading “Work – Life Balance”

Alert:  Please Don’t take  me too seriously.. just asking ..

What is work-life balance ?

Are work and life mutually exclusive ? Do people stop living while working or is it that suddenly they get a life when they stop working ? If that be so , why work at all ? Is work only for paying the bills or is work mandatory for well being an individual? If it is mandatory for well being , why not call it life as well ?

What is me-time ? Does it mean the periods other than me-time are spent for someone else ? What if that someone else is dearer to you than yourself? Does a mother or for that matter father, spending time for his child come under me-time or child-time ? and of course the next question would be “which is the better spent time ?”

When a person is more at home at work place than he or she is at home , where does she/he have a ‘life ‘ ? at work place or at home ?

Maintaining relationships can be very stressful many a time ; why not bring it under ‘work’ ?

Can life be at work-place and work be at home ?

Why else, people have stuff like working lunch at nice restaurants and conferences at holiday resorts ?

A philosopher would say ‘What is office but escape from home and what is home but escape from office ?’

May be all mandatory activities, irrespective of whether it is at work-place, home or elsewhere  could simply be categorized as life draining activities and life rejuvenating activities , say LDA and LRA and they could be set to a desired ratio to balance ?!

Or would it be better to say  ‘ battery draining’ ,’battery neutral’ and ‘battery charging ‘ ? Writing such thing is battery charging for me ,hope it is so for reading also.


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