Technology to the rescue

Much has been said and written in the past two weeks about safety of women in our cities. Once the dust settles down and the emotions subside, we need to take some real measures to prevent crime against women. Indian movies are full of depictions of horrendous villains getting after the heroine , but in the nick of time,… Continue reading Technology to the rescue

Categorized as Tech

Life in the Cyberworld

  Today access to internet is considered a fundamental right and social network is a way of life.    Anything that you share undoubtedly, enhances the fun.         It is not uncommon to see someone reading Asterix comics in a library with a dead pan expression. I remember the Asterix fan club we had at the… Continue reading Life in the Cyberworld

Categorized as Tech

An Ongoing Affair with Tux

What is common among  Tux,  Penguins, Lizards, Fawns, Gibbons, Herons and Lynx ? They all represent some version  /distro of Linux in general and Ubuntu in particular. The affair started sometime in circa 2000, when I first read about linux , probably in PCQuest. It was all very romantic for a computer buff; a student finds a commercial software… Continue reading An Ongoing Affair with Tux

Categorized as Linux, Tech

Why do people put up with Microsoft Windows ? and internet explorer ?

Every time I see a user struggle with Windows and IE, I am deeply hurt to see so much avoidable pain in the computer world. Most of the time it is for some troubleshooting that I am forced to see the ‘blue screen” (Microsoft windows). Windows badly needs an antivirus software and between the antivirus… Continue reading Why do people put up with Microsoft Windows ? and internet explorer ?

Categorized as Tech

Open source movement is not just a movement, but a philosophy

Written in 2001 for a newsletter Infantry School, Mhow. since then Linux has taken huge strides The winds of open source movement are sweeping across the globe. Even as I am writing, the India-chapter of the Free Software Movement (FSF) is being inaugurated at Thiruvananthapuram, by Mr Richard Stallman. Mr Richard Stallman is the father… Continue reading Open source movement is not just a movement, but a philosophy

Categorized as Tech