Reality Mining !

In this age of distraction, this book analyses how our behaviour, what we eat, how we dress, to whom we vote for and what we believe are constantly monitored and influenced by others, knowingly or unknowingly.

An interesting idea , that is also bewildering on the shape of things to come.

A team at Human Dynamics laboratory at MIT is working onĀ  a concept called “reality mining”,in which they monitor people’s behaviours , body movements , conversational patterns and other inter actions using data from their mobile phones and specially designed electronic devices such as blue-tooth location sensors and accelerometers.

just like data-mining, where you go in and look at data and try and find patterns and make predictions and understand what’s going on , except instead of being applied to text and web pages and things that are already digital ,we are trying to find patterns in in real life . This way,you can tell a lot about people; where they go, who they hang out with , even whether they are having a good time.

The Power of OthersThe Power of Others by Michael Shaw Bond

An interesting book. We think we are in-charge of our lives not aware thatĀ  knowingly or unknowingly , to what extent our behaviour is influenced by people around. The author goes on to analyze , mob psychology, criminal psychology and issues like how a terrorist is born .

In this age of distraction , age of social media , the book is all the more relevant as our behaviour and thoughts are influenced by the real as well as the virtual world we interact with .

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