A book by an adman, alumnus of IIT and IIM; one more IIT guy excelling in fields other than engineering.
It is not about how God influences your life , but about how the idea of God affects business in India.
Written in a lively , chatty, yet informative style, as a series of somewhat disconnected essays, it makes a nice office hours reading ! It is particularly good for random access reading, if I may call it so, jumping from chapter to chapter not in any particular order, switching gears as you go. A casual skimming over the table of contents took me to the chapter ‘burkha ke peeche kya hai ?’ ; the answer is not what I thought or what you are thinking nor ‘dil’ as in ‘choli ke peechhe kya hai ‘but ‘designer-ware clothes‘. It is a phenomenon that has led to hundreds of garment factories in a country populated by millions of burkha clad women.

If the western idea of secularism keeps religions insulated from politics, business, education and just about everything, Indian idea of secularism is so inclusive that it demands some measure of every religion in every aspect of life !