50 Spiritual Classics

Read “50 Spiritual Classics” by Tom Butler-Bowden.

Every book listed is definitely worth a look, but depending on your own temperment, culture and upbringing some of the books may be more appealing. I have made my own short list of 12 books which includes books read, read and forgotten and books yet to be read.

Jonathan LIvingston Seagull

Richard Bach

The Tao of Physics

Fritjof Capra

Black Elk Speaks

Black Elk

An Autobiography : The Story of my experiments with Truth

MK Gaandhi



The Prophet

Kahil Gibran


Hermaan Hesse

Memories, Dreams and Reflections

CG Jung

Think on these things

J Krishnamurti

The Razor’s Edge

Somerset Maugham

The Miracle of Mindfulness : An Introduction to the practice of Meditation

Thich Nhat Hanh

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Robert Pirsig

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